Forming A Company
Easy? No. Worth It? Absolutely!

What sometimes seems to be an easy process can turn into a significant one and mistakes can be costly. Let our expert corporate specialists assist with your Incorporations, LLC Formations and other entity filings. We can provide you with the forms, fees, and information you need, assist with document preparation, and take care of the filings for you.
A few needed steps.
1. Deciding on the proper entity type for your specific needs is very important – corporation, limited liability company (LLC), partnership, limited partnership (LP), or sole proprietorship – each have unique characteristics.
2. Choosing an available business name that complies with your state’s requirements is next on the list. NRAI Services, LLC can check name availability in all 50 states to make sure the name you choose for your company is available.
3. Creating the appropriate documents, which stipulate the operating rules for your company.
4. Filing the proper documents to officially form your new company.
5. Obtaining any necessary Business Licenses or Permits to allow your business to operate.